We’ve been abusing the power of the iPad (or P-Apple, as it is still often called around here) to manage having two kids. Tristan loves to play all versions of Angry Birds, but he’s just learning that you should complete the board and be assigned 1-3 stars for your score. He still mostly resets the game prematurely, though. He plays Uno fairly well for a 3 year old, since he understands his numbers and colors and how to follow directions regarding such. He irritates the shit out of me with a game called Touch Physics, which has you draw objects in order to affect the movement of some other object toward a star – he isn’t very fast with it, and I don’t know how to play it, so he gets frustrated and either I’m nursing his sister and can’t help, or hell, I’m no help anyway. He’s also been playing Pocket Tanks, which involves shooting shit and making it explode, to which he exclaims, “Oh no!” Oh yes, Misunderstood Pigs, which is a spoof on Angry Birds where you play from the pigs’ perspective; same “Oh no!” every time something in the game falls down.
The past two days, we’ve also been biking, since I can exercise again and he’s been getting decent on his balance bike. Yesterday, I had him out on a bike with flat tires because I completely forgot to check. James had mentioned that Tristan was not as fast on the bike as he used to be; we figured that he was just out of practice after a hiatus. Turns out it’s kind of hard to balance on a bike with flat tires! Today we went back out with his tires fixed and I actually had to sprint on my bike to keep up with him at times and make sure he didn’t run into traffic. I’ll take him out to actually go places instead of riding around the parking lot when he follows my directions or my path enough to stay out of cars’ way, or perhaps I can toss a bike rack on my car and drive the bikes somewhere. I’ve been waiting for almost 4 years to be able to bike with my kid, so yay!