38 week checkup

The normal doctor had to attend to another patient, so we ended up visiting an unknown doctor at the KaiserPlex. She turned out to be very nice, so yay! I’m still, umm, closed up tight and the baby’s head hasn’t dropped yet. We’re now to the point where visits will be weekly until I pop.. let’s just say that pelvic exams, while tolerable, are not fun – especially when the office is five hundred frickin’ degrees. In any event, Puntypaws isn’t ready to come out just yet.

Any bets/guesses as to whether he will arrive anywhere near his due date?

Oh – we got a hamper and a trash can for his room, hehe. The important stuff!


So, setting up the carseats, I noticed that there was a supplement/replacement page in the instruction manual.  You know those games in kids magazines where you’re supposed to spot the differences between the images?  Well, relive your childhood.  Here you go:

My score?  0.  No differences (Ignoring the subtle coloring / line break differences,  and the helpful header)   Am I blind?  Maybe.  But I sure can’t tell what prompted them to print the errata…

All pieces accounted for.

Put the replacement together – all pieces accounted for.   It DID however, burst into flames during the crash test. Er, maybe not.  The original was a  bit disappointing though – it’s amazing how much of the stuff you buy these days is just plain crap – how do you miss a giant giant smash/crack like that when packing the thing?   C’mon.   Between that and the first Crib that they tried to deliver… are these people even trying these days. Still need to get the bases in the car, but gear wise, we’re otherwise set up.

Now we just need to get a video of Kirin’s stomach – Puntypaws is basically dancing – it’s like a stomach-quake.

Evidently, he’s a bit camera-shy.   As soon as I busted out the camera, he stopped.  D’oh.

Defective stroller

On May 31st, we purchased one of these travel systems from Babies R Us. Today we opened the damn thing to get the car seat bases set up and the stroller was broken! Even more annoying is that it’s been discontinued there, so we had to exchange it for this one, which was by far the least obnoxious print available currently.. and it cost more, blah. Let’s hope this one is not broken, because a travel system is a bit of a pain in the ass to get back to a store!

Making money disappear at Babies R Us

We went to visit the new Babies R Us in Sunnyvale and went home with this bassinet and a bunch of cloth products like burp cloths, socks, and hooded towels. Basically, we want to keep the baby with us at least until we figure out the whole feeding and sleeping through the night thing.

I also ordered nursing bras from Bravado Designs today. Sizing on these things is confusing! Then again, I have absolutely no idea what my boobs will do considering I’ve never experienced this before. Hell, I’m not even sure about breastfeeding due to the inexperience factor. But time will tell, as it does with all things.

Preparing for the parents’ visit

We spent a large portion of the evening speaking with our respective parents who are to be visiting us in September.  By then, the baby should be here for enough time that we’re fairly comfortable with the basics, like how to feed and diaper him.  For some reason, I am very self-conscious about this inexperienced mother thing, but I think that most of it is feeling weird about whether breastfeeding will succeed or not.  Anyway, James is researching hotels (we don’t really have enough space to put people up here unless they’re keen on air mattresses in living rooms) for them to sleep at.  Hopefully our new couch will have arrived by then!

The baby’s room

James spent a while reorganizing the furniture in the baby’s room today.  My lazy ass sat downstairs and cut up cardboard from the shipping boxes in the meantime.  The end result is that the baby has a passable “nursery” now.  None of the furniture matches, of course - it wouldn’t fit in well with our general decor if things were all perfect, now, would it? 

We also realized that we have a handful of the wrong size sheets.  Doh!

The baby journal

Now that this site is mostly set up, it’s time to begin keeping the journal!

The baby is almost ready to come and meet the world.  Right now I’m 36 weeks pregnant and I most certainly look and feel it.  I’m almost finished with what has been a quite interesting and unique experience, and hopefully there’s some wisdom gained to go along with that.  Not only that, but as far as the pregnancy part goes, the pleasant part is almost over!  I am, however, looking forward to getting the use of my body back – I can’t much reach my legs to shave them or stand/walk excessively without becoming quickly hot and exhausted.

The room is almost set up; we have furniture including a crib, and we have a bunch of random clothing.  We have our stroller kit/travel set thingie, and we have the paranoia monitors.  There’s a considerable amount of uncertainty as this is our first experience with tiny little human creatures. 

Hopefully we’ll do a good job and raise a kid we’re proud of!