This past month has gone so fast, and Tristan’s birthday has arrived suddenly. We’re updating things around here to reflect that our infant is officially a toddler by age as well as that whole walking thing.
One of Tristan’s grandmas was in town this past week and enjoyed the combined birthday party we had on Sunday with us, as well as a trip to Great America and many walks around the park. Another one of his grandmas and one of his aunts will be here tomorrow evening.
The party included families with children around the neighborhood that Tristan’s often played with. It went very smoothly for something planned at the last minute. James’s fajitas, my cakes, and our margaritas were a great hit. Who would’ve thought that you go to a toddler’s birthday party for the margaritas before that day? But we had a nice summery party although we couldn’t get Tristan to blow out a candle – or us to keep a candle lit enough for him to try – or many other interesting photo opportunities. It was a lot of fun and I’ll miss this neighborhood when we move.
Tristan’s walking very well and very quickly, standing up by himself without any help from person or object, and is comfortable in shoes or barefoot. He spends most of his waking time walking everywhere he can, and has done so by himself for over a month. Thankfully, he’s pretty damn confident now, which means that now I follow him around to yank him out of trouble rather than to reassure him. I’m looking forward to taking Tristan to places where I can just sort of sit back and watch him run and poke into everything.
We have lots of new toys, most of them birthday presents of sorts. Tristan’s grandma brought a lovely school bus toy, a delightfully noisy keyboard-type toy, and more. There’re so many neat things for one-year-olds! Tristan tends to gravitate toward the V-Tech line of toys, so most of the new ones have been from them. We also got him a baby-sized chair that he can sit in and get up from himself, some new videos since he’s fallen in love with anything cutesy and educational, and a new stroller. We sent the old one back with Tristan’s grandma to hopefully be sold, since we never used the damn thing due to its bulkiness; in its place we got a well-made umbrella stroller that’s good up to 55 lbs, is very light, and is compact when folded.
The switch to cow’s milk is complete. We’re thankful for Costco’s prices, and sort of lamenting the fact that we have to go to Costco very soon because milk is kind of expensive elsewhere. However, as one would expect from a one-year-old, he’s now beginning to become particular about what he wants to eat and when. We practiced a little bit of self-spoonfeeding today, and I think that if we continue to practice, he will be independent in due time.
Tristan is actually a bit sick right now; he got the family cold about a week after the rest of us. When we had the same cold, we were really miserable at first and the lingering cough is starting to taper off a week or so after we felt better. At least Tristan is in good spirits for the most part, but he’s had some portions of extreme fussiness.
Despite our efforts to mess with his naps, he still has been taking two naps per day. That being said, most days we could probably let him sleep through the night but we’re not about to train our kid into waking us up at 7AM if we can help it. The best thing that has come out of screwing with his naps is that we’ve learned he’s more adaptable than he used to be – he will still take good naps if he goes to sleep at weird times or fell asleep outside of his bed briefly.
He occasionally will sit with us or on the floor willingly for short amounts of time. This is infinitely longer than he used to willingly sit still.
Tristan won’t wave or point yet, but he makes the sign for milk and is getting better at clapping.
But best of all, his infant days are a memory. I’m looking forward to the toddler years. 😀