I have learned of the recent losses of three family members. Two were on my dad’s side and one was on my mom’s.
My grandma, Tristan’s great grandma Judy, passed on several days ago. She was either 88 or 90 – apparently, there were debates as to her true age. Either way, she beat the typical life expectancy. She’d had a stroke back in 2000 and had been sort of ‘not quite there’ since then, so she actually held on for an impressive amount of time. Anyway, I am sure that my mom is sad about losing her mom, so.. Mom, if you’re reading this, we all hope you are doing OK and I’ve been trying to call you.
I believe that my Aunt Ginnie was actually a great aunt and I’m not even sure which way she spelled her name. I’m sort of hazy on the details of my dad’s side of the family, so I might screw up some of it. There were a few incidents that caused a lack of communication, and as a result, I’m sort of the random relative who drops by rather than the little girl or one of the three little girls. But I knew Aunt Ginnie as a kid, and she was fairly old then. I remember going over to their house, which was very close to my dad’s house. They had an above-ground pool that we all loved swimming in (pools are quite covetable to kids – that’s why we’ll likely end up buying a condo with a pool or some such shit). Halfish of the family was very kind – the older members and the youngest member (who I’ll be discussing in the next session). So, using aforementioned detail haziness, I think Aunt Ginnie and Uncle Richie (who passed on a few years ago; I don’t remember him being anything but very-very-old) had a daughter, Karen, who had two kids, Kim and Ricky. Anyway, Karen and Kim were always sort of aloof and the shit I’ve heard about them is fairly uncomplimentary lately. But Aunt Ginnie always treated me so kindly and patiently that I actually sort of miss her the most out of the recently expired relatives.
But about the aforementioned Ricky – I was told that he also has passed on. I’m actually surprised he lived as long as he did, as he was severely handicapped (I believe it was cerebral palsy and then some). I don’t remember how old he was, but he was a few years older than me, so possibly 40 or thereabouts. All I heard was that he ‘got a virus’ but I think that’s all that was known by the person who told me. It’s a shame, though. I didn’t know him as an adult but he had a very kind spirit as a kid/adolescent.
I appreciate any further information if any of my side of the family is reading this.
It’s likely Tristan wouldn’t have ever met Aunt Ginnie or Ricky, but he’d have probably met my grandma in the next year or two if she was still around. I’m sorry to say that I don’t remember a shitload about her, though. But my mom should have some stories about her to share with him in a few years.