Goings on

I am planning some updates for this website, so when I get around to it, there will be subtle changes and maybe some content addition. Basically, I want to clean it up and add neat stuff.

Some of you know that we had an offer in on a house, a bloody short sale. We found out that the offer was rejected a couple of days ago. So, no shiny house all the way south for us. But we’re opening our minds to other locations and styles. We may not end up with a backyard, but if not, it will be at the gain of a community pool or an awesome commute or just a shiny place. In any event, now we have house-hunting again to take up all of our damn time.

It looks like we’re in this apartment for at least another month, but I’ll continue to pack stuff. Tristan loves crawling around while I pack, because bins are interesting. For the most part, I’m becoming anal-retentive and putting all of the shit into organized bins. I figure that I need to do that to keep from becoming too much of a packrat, because there’s a decent chance we’re moving into a smaller or same-sized place. Anyway, it’s only April now, and we’re not expecting any company until June as far as we know.

It’s a shame that we live so far from everyone in the family. Granted, we’re sort of an isolated family in a relatively new city, so we don’t see people in general on a more than waving hi basis. People don’t introduce themselves, and I forget to introduce myself (yes, I am being a shitty New Yorker here!). But anyway, it’s fun showing off a baby to strangers and it would be more fun to show him off to family. The last time he saw another family member, he was just starting his first solid food.

But since I wear Tristan in some sort of carrier for a good 45 minutes per day, I speak to a whole shitload of people. Seriously – if you have a baby and you want attention for your ultra cute, super curious baby – wear him or her. When the baby’s at adults’ eye level, everyone notices the baby. It’s better than having a cute puppy for people-meeting potential. So, I hope that this experience teaches Tristan to like people in general, since people speak directly to him and praise him daily. I also hope that Tristan does not grow up to hate dragons, since we sneak so many around him like on his Mei Tai.

Also, we have some MORE teething. This one’s coming slowly – it’s his left vampire tooth. Still no sign of the top middle two. Poor Crankypaws is taking it pretty well, and has slept very well today with absolutely no fuss upon being placed in his crib for naps.

He’s still not crawling yet, but he still tries very often. He sort of can do it, just not consistently. He also moves backward a lot when he’s trying for forward. He’ll get his crawling paws in order when they’re ready, or maybe he’ll just say “Screw it!” and walk instead.

I’m really eager for him to start walking and to walk around with me. I know that the “with me” part is going to take a lot of careful discipline, but I figure if he likes his walks in the carrier, he may like just walking around outside and looking at shit. I just hope he doesn’t decide he dislikes the carrier, since it’s very useful to be able to wear a baby and walk him around.

Daytime with Tristan has been fairly routine lately. Routine is good for sanity with a baby, though. When you can predict the day and it goes according to plan, you know everyone and everything is all right. So much can go wrong with a baby and it’s really scary. Sorry, but that dissuades me from wanting to do the baby thing again.

Right now, we’re trying to figure out what to do with our old baby shit. We’re saving anything memorable or decorative, but we have loads of outgrown stuff. But I don’t know many people who are having a baby right now who need any baby stuff. I suppose I will have to either corral it and bring it to a consignment event in the fall or try to find a consignment shop. Or just bring it to Goodwill. Anyway, if you’re reading this, and you know someone who’s having a baby or has a baby younger than Tristan, and you’d like outgrown clothes and some baby gear (the stuff that would be fairly cheap to ship), contact me. This shit takes up a lot of space that Tristan could be crawling (or pre-crawling and rolling around, for now) in.

We’re in the process of switching diaper brands so we can buy diapers at Costco. James likes the current ones better (Huggies) than what we were using before (Pampers). I think they’re both decent diapers as long as it’s not a Huge Mess Situation. I could be convinced to cloth diaper, assuming that means using flushable inserts (forgot the brand but I can look it up). But in general, I’m more curious if anyone has any diaper preferences for any reason other than “is good for the Earth” or “is cheap.” (Those are valid reasons, but they also are the main selling point of the product already.)

Oh, and Tristan seems to want a bit more to drink and a bit less “solid” food these days. He still eats it, but he’s been sleepy with a lot of his bottles lately and not interested. We haven’t fed him meat again since the first time, but we should soon. I think today’s a new food day so we’ll see. We have a lot of fruits to introduce and a couple of the strange multi-ingredient blends. I also picked up wheat cereal – still have to continue research on when it’s appropriate to give a baby wheat, and I think that we should skip the next new food day when we do give wheat.

He still does not try to hold his own bottle until he is done drinking from it. He gets the point except for the “tilt the bottle up to get the milk into the nipple” concept. He also tried to feed himself using the spoon and kind of got the idea of putting the spoon in his mouth, but we didn’t get anywhere with the other part of that – getting food onto the spoon to put in the mouth.

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