While Tristan has been sleeping through some of the nights (like last night), during the evening he seems somewhat difficult to satisfy. He’s ended up taking nearly (or actually, perhaps) 7 ounces of milk in a feeding about once per day. Of course, he’s coming up on the four month mark and that means starting solids for some babies, so perhaps that means he’s ready.. or perhaps he’s just making up for the nights he sleeps through (though when he sleeps the night through he tends to want his feedings closer together during the day, too).
After this evening’s feeding, he got fussy fast after his feeding and we determined that he was still hungry. His standard feedings are still 4.5 ounces in prepoured bottles. After he drained both of my reserve bottles (2.5 more oz on top of the feeding) he was still giving us signs of being hungry. I tried to put him on a boob and that was a monumental failure – let’s just say it frustrates both of us to tears. So I broke out a 2 oz bottle of formula after James and I discussed how to proceed next. After all, he is going to need to drink the stuff in a couple of months.
Anyway, Tristan sipped at the bottle and made the most expressive “ew, what the fuck!?” face, rejecting the formula. Then he passed out in my lap. Trying to drink formula must’ve been exhausting to him.