* Tristan now notices house numbers and makes sure to look for them. If the number is below 100, he will say the number; if it’s above 100 he will just recite the digits in it.
* His climbing has really improved this past week or two. He takes major responsibility for his own safety. He can climb up almost any slide from the bottom, he can climb most of the playground structures, and he isn’t nearly as likely to walk off the side of something dangerous as he was even a few months ago.
* We put him on a “big kid” swing again today and he did a wonderful job on it. He even managed to dismount without too much trouble, although he promptly walked into my still-moving swing and cracked himself in the face. He observes the other children on the swing since he understands that they are self-propelling the swings somehow, but I think it will require practice before he’s a soaring swing ninja.