Kaiser’s health plan… well, I’ve said it before – the coverage is good, the doctors are good… the administrative staff is, well, fairly atrocious.
The receptionist takes her card, checks us in, and tells us we’ll get the card back on the way out. Except we never do – and neither of us notice until we get home.  We call, they look for a few minutes and then come back with “No, I totally remember giving it to you.”
Except, you know, the pesky fact that they didn’t, and they didn’t really have a chance to.  New card ordered, so, whatever. No big deal, but it’s still exceptionally lame. This from the same receptionist that we had to spend several minutes waiting for the last time we were there, because they decided it was way more important to go play with a visiting coworker’s baby rather than, you know, doing their job and maybe playing with the kid after checking us in (we arrived at the same time, and there was otherwise no line. The receptionist for the other department was basically staring at her the whole time, as if to so, “are you kidding?”  Not sure how long we -would- have waited, except Kirin finally got fed up with it, said something along the lines of “Are you … kidding me? I’m not standing around for this”, and sat down in front of the desk to wait, which, evidently, wised up the person.
So the doctor was supposed to call us back Friday, as mentioned previously, and he never did.  He also didn’t call back Monday, nor call nor respond to the email sent on Tuesday.  We -did- however, finally get a call from the doctor’s office, and an email from the doctor, today.
We went in for one more check.  Generally, all is well, but puntypaws isn’t dropping down through the various bone structures he needs to to come out au naturale.  So, the talk of c-sections came about – and in the end it looks like, barring natural processes kicking off before then, we’re going for a c-section – not exactly ideal, but it’ll work.
So back to the Kaiser suckery… So, this appointment should have already happened.  Really, it was supposed to be scheduled at the end of the ultrasound on Friday. ‘Cept they didn’t actually ever set it up, which in itself was a minor screw up. Except that it snowballs a bit. During the appointment today, the doctor was trying to schedule the c-section – only, see, now they’re entirely booked for the week. Unclear whether getting in when we were supposed to would -really- help, but it sure wouldn’t have hurt matters.The doctor actually apologized for it, saying he felt to blame, even though he didn’t have direct control over scheduling things.  We also later heard him yelling at some of the administrative folks about how they needed to find a solution, as it was their screwup that put us in the situation in the first place.
So in the end, he says he’s going to set one up for Monday, but also may see if there’s anything available earlier (realistically read this as: Friday – they don’t schedule them on the weekends). So, he heads off to the next appointment, and we get the administrative assistant lady. In her defense, she’s new. Ignoring that, she’s not really fit to be working without supervision. On the order of A) having to ask -us- what she was setting up because the doctor confused her and B) not knowing how to set up the appointments, having to find help (who, I swear, the dude was dressed like he could have been the janitor), and how, tell me, do you work for an OB/GYN and not know how to spell fetal? Anyhow, ten minutes later, finally gets it sorted, and lets us know that we need to call in two hours in advance on Monday, to see if they can find an available bed.
Er… this is our -solid- backup plan – what the @$)!?  So, at this point, we have a “maybe if we’re lucky and they can squeeze us in on Monday” appointment. Maybe.
On the upside, it’ll be a Virgo at that point, and doesn’t everybody love a Virgo?