During the past day, I’ve noticed Tristan developing a bit more coordination. He’s managed to grab the toys on the handle of his carseat and actually play with them, deliberately grab his rattle and shake it (before he’d sort of half-assededly grab it and just hold it), and maneuver a bottle that I was bringing to the sink into his mouth while I was holding him, even though there was nothing in it to drink (at least it was just the past feeding and not a really old one!)
As far as feeding goes, we’ve restarted on the formula after stopping due to his system umm, not giving output for a couple of days, and he seems fine now. Right now we’re feeding him a 2:3 mixture of formula to breastmilk. We also reswitched the bottle nipples to medium flow so he’s not collapsing them quite so much anymore (but he’s not used to drinking quite so fast, so there’s a period of adjustment that we’re working on). We’re trying to figure out just how much he is eating but it’s hard to tell between the mixing in of the formula, the easier-to-suck bottle nipples, and him just plain getting bigger.
I’ve been wearing him in the Mei Tai most of the time – haven’t used the other two carriers in a while. People coo over Tristan quite often, probably because he’s right there and staring at them. He grins at most people of either gender who take the time to talk to him. I think that wearing a baby around makes having a baby that much more fun because he’s part of things – he looks around curiously and I explain what I see, what is going on. I’m sure a lot of people who hear me talking think I’m batshit insane but screw them, there’s a baby in the sling who loves it. 🙂
Also, he has gotten VERY babbly in the past day or so, almost to the point of being chatty except that there are no words in there quite yet. It’s really adorable, especially since he never bothered other than random babbling before.