Monday’s outings

Last Friday I brought home some goodies from Cost Plus World Market, including some maple candy.  That stuff is the devil and managed to crawl into my mouth and down my throat, so on Monday I ended up taking Tristan back to Cost Plus to get some more.  Instead of using the back/front pack carrier, I jammed him into the Moby carrier, which is pretty much a giant strip of fabric (pictures will make their way into the gallery). 

When I set out into the world, he’d been fed pretty recently and I pre-tied the sling.  I had no idea where I planned to take us – I was originally thinking a mall but realized that I didn’t need anything and no interesting malls were nearby that I hadn’t been to recently.  Driving around town, I realized that it would be a good idea to look into bicycling supplies so I can take him out on rides with me when he hits about 6 months.  However, the Cost Plus jumped out at me and I remembered the evil maple candy, so we stopped there first.  I got a piece for both me and James (so he’d actually have some this time) as well as some imported Cadbury chocolates and liquor-filled candies.  There was another baby in the store, in a stroller instead of a sling, but Tristan’s too young to notice other babies. 

I put him back into the car seat and headed toward the bike store where I bought my folding Dahon Espresso, hoping to catch a glimpse of current models.  They’ve totally redone that bicycle, by the way – I barely recognize it.  Anyway, one baby went into the sling and into the shop we went.  The two girls working were probably in their early 20s and spoke very little English, but the moment they saw a baby, they went crazy.  One of them in particular spent about 20 minutes lavishing attention on Tristan and even said that when he grows up, she wants him to be her boyfriend.  I told her that he needs to be at least 16 before he gets to make any adult decisions.  He reacted well to both girls, doing the bashful move that a baby tends to do when amused (giggling and then sort of hiding in my chest).  So far he reacts well to just about anyone who pays enough attention to him – it’s usually females who do but there’s been at least one male at James’s job when I brought him in on Halloween who got him to giggle.

We didn’t go anywhere on Tuesday – sometimes I need a break from shopping, it’s true!

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