
* We got our schedule for June. It is considerably different but is comprised of just about as much time. I’m trying to get more time tacked onto the end of playgroup because we’ve consistently had to scurry out of there to beat the *insert various expletives* traffic lights on Tasman Drive. Noon is corporate hell lunch time, and we live smack in the middle of the high tech version of corporate hell. Anyway, the important thing about the June schedule (and the “what’s different”) is that Tristan will be attending the Shining Stars center three days per week. This is a preschool of sorts. 🙂 I will certainly elaborate on it when I get to know it! Also, I think there’s a possibility of seeing a park or other families again outside of the playgroup…

* Sleep is back to normal..ish. It’s much improved and I am Learning Some Shit. We started him on probiotics to help keep his digestive system from giving him so much trouble if that is what it has been. (Remind me that we all need to start fish oil soon!) We’ve also been experimenting with Tristan’s naptime. He does like to go down by about 3:30pm whether he admits it or not, so that’s what I’ll aim for. I also learned between yesterday and today that there is a lot of environmental noise that wakes him up (like people revving motorcycles or honking at the drive-thru next door) that was easy for me to hear as well from the garage, and that he really doesn’t want me hanging around trying to soothe him to sleep because sometimes the crying is part of the process. I knew that about the crying from when he was very young, but somehow I get caught up between the stress of him crying and thinking he will benefit from being soothed.

* We went to Bounce-a-Rama today. Those bastards keep raising the prices. They also keep changing the policies about parental play with their kids, but they didn’t give me any trouble when I joined Tristan this time. I don’t think Tristan is yet ready to play with other children in a bouncer while he doesn’t have a ninja parent, family member, or friend available to either make sure he doesn’t get his back broken by being trampled upon, he doesn’t splatter the shit out of a smaller kid accidentally, or he doesn’t provoke an older kid into a fight with his shoving/touching behavior. Besides, we tend to do the attendants’ jobs of making sure the kids in the structure aren’t being little assholes to each other, so they tend to shut the hell up. Anyway, Tristan really loves the bouncy structure that they toss about 20 balls of different sizes into. This is an “all-ages” bouncer – not that it matters, because the older kids tend to storm the toddler section while toddlers are in it, so what’s the point of having a “safe” place where the babies can go without a clinging parent? Oi. Anyway, Tristan likes hanging out with the older kids and the 20 balls. He also likes the little toddler slide, and he takes turns with other children very nicely on it. However, he also likes to sort of walk off the edge of the slide and tumble down. All in all, both of us got some much needed exercise.

21 months old

It’s been almost a month since Tristan’s started his ABA therapy assessment and whatnot with Stepping Stones in our home. He’s learning a LOT of neat stuff related to play skills and communication.

If for any reason, you have a kiddo and you suspect a delay in communication or the like, get your ass in touch with your local variant of Early Start for an assessment…!!!

The “more” sign – Tristan picked up on the hand sign for the word “more” the first time it was modeled, but he only used it with regard to “more tickle.” He’s getting a lot better and even spontaneous in his offerings of the sign. James spent a lot of time practicing with Tristan when there was a breakthrough moment involving pepperoni. Tristan LOVES pepperoni. He also has proven that he either just craves spicy food or somehow doesn’t notice it. More on that later. Anyway, the sign. I can’t remember offhand all of the situations he’s generalizing it to, but food is a big one and peekaboo is as well.

Play skills – Tristan can stack EIGHT (8) of those putzy little wooden blocks up. That’s at least “up to speed” in that department. Actually, he has an awesome sense of how to balance things when he wants to. Hmm.. he can now roll cars properly and is somewhat interested in them when paired with a ramp toy. He’s learned how to use a Magna-Doodle toy, and prefers to use the magnetic stamps instead of doodling with the pen. He is learning to sit at his new table for activities for several minutes at a time (the chairs are a hazard when he thinks to carry them as a stepstool!).

It’s been really neat that he has taken to the therapists as complete strangers that came in to play. I feel like this whole experience will somehow give him quite a competitive edge in life, because he will be NO stranger to cute girls completely devoting their attention to him. That will probably give him a social edge should he decide he isn’t interested in girls later on as well. I think both he and I are starting to form preferences, but nobody has worried me or made me think they’d be bad for Tristan. I have also been more civil to my family since I am receiving regular breaks from stimulating Tristan in some way.

In, he’s been fairly pleasant and doing neat and/or crazy things…

* This kid loves the spicy food – that wasn’t news in general… but we all know of these, right? (complete with an array of adult vices and fire safety devices)

Yes. THESE fucking things. Tristan devoured, with NO drink available, half a bag of them. And do you know what happens to a child who devours half a bag of those?

You come upon the child first thing in the morning the next day. You see a bit of.. red stuff.. on the sheet. Then, you smell poo and know that the first thing on the agenda will be a diaper change. You get the toddler onto the table reluctantly and notice that his PANTS are also slightly.. reddish. This looks nothing like blood – it looks distinctly like watered down red food coloring. Can you guess what the inside of the diaper looks like in such a scenario?

Yep. Bright red pudding poo everywhere is what happens when your child eats half a bag of those damn Cheetos.

The good news is that if this ever happens to you and you don’t know how your baby will deal with eating such a noxious food, know that it will probably be ok. Half a ton of capsaicin doesn’t seem to hurt either the insides or the skin in contact with the diaper for however long he went between pooping and being taken out of the crib.

* And the LAST thing I wanted to mention is that Tristan is learning how to do neat stuff with the help of red light cues. By “neat stuff,” I mean playing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on a musical keyboard with the help of a lit key tutorial. I also mean that he’s been playing his age 2+ alphabet musical toy and able to spell words such as “jewelry,” “museum,” “zoo,” and a few others with similar blinking red light cues. It’s really impressive to see, even when you know that Tristan’s just good at following cues. 🙂

Family schedule shifting

It’s 4:22 and guess who’s not even close to asleep? Did you guess Tristan, or did you think I was going to gab about someone else’s kid?

Tristan’s nap time has officially moved from 3pm to 4pm. He’s also been taking his naps lately without unnecessary waking and screaming, although he’s getting really bratty about going DOWN for them (not a problem, just parental refresher course necessary for me!). Anyway, anyone who thinks they’re all ninjalike and smart because they figured out when to call here needs to reconsider, because we’re off by an hour and change suddenly. 🙂

So, the rough stuff.

I’ve been looking for a way to say this, but it’s kind of hard. It’s hard because it’s uncertain.

Please don’t panic. We’re not panicking. We’re just following the steps.

Don’t Google this shit, either. I want to impress upon you that Tristan is in great health and doing very well.

A chromosomal abnormality has been found in Tristan. There is a duplication. I do not have the numbers straight, so I will not divulge further lest we scare the shit out of people.

We’ve been told that this may not even relate to his autism.

I also want to impress upon you that chromosomal abnormalities exist in many people; testing for such is fairly recently widespread. Him having an abnormality doesn’t mean a whole lot yet.

We have a tiny bit more information but no more RELEVANT information. Just a little bit of description that has changed per person who has told us, so I don’t want to repeat it. Something about WHICH chromosomes and all. I’ll talk about it all when we have it in writing and not just talking to people on the phone.

Now, the relevance. If you’re a member of Tristan’s biological family, we’ll be interviewing you shortly about family health and reproductive stuff. If you’re familiar with me or James during childhood, please; we need your help. They will be studying us extensively to see if this comes from either of us.

No worrying. Just information, please. Send it to me or James privately if you want or post it here if it’s part of our social network.


* If anyone asked what age Tristan went from eating “toddler food” to eating “people food” I would probably mark now as that time. We had luck with a plastic baby fork and lots of stabbable foods like chicken pieces and smushy garbanzo beans. He can jab the fork into his mouth but has to work very hard to overcome the urge to remove the pieces by hand to place them in his mouth instead.

* Tristan has still been demanding chicken soup whenever it is present. This actually requires that either Tristan be served in his high chair (haven’t done that in a while) or I will have to keep the tap flowing at the expense of my bowl. James has been quite the trooper for our sakes and has been doing the bulk of the spoon-feedings with Tristan involving my our precious chicken soup. But just like me, Tristan will continue to require this chicken soup steadily until no more evidence of it exists. This is easier accomplished for Tristan, who isn’t yet aware of every possible container that soup could be stored in. (Since I am aware, I have to cook soup a LOT to feed Tristan some!) But I think that we firmly have a spoon back in use. We’ll have to see if he will try it with less-adored foods. Or whether it really even matters yet. He’s not exactly handicapped without utensils – he just looks weird eating adult food that way.

* It has taken me three days to write this entry, so I will post it for now and try again later.


We decided to head to a local healthyish buffet tonight. The interesting bit is that Tristan was in a “try new foods” sort of mood. Turns out he really likes garbanzo beans. And corn (which we knew from last weekend, where he was eating rice with corn in it). Also, shredded carrots, of all things. He even ate some macaroni and cheese off of a fork (which is a first…). He actually took a liking to the peas, as well (even though he’s never much been into non-dehydrated peas, before hand).

All in all, he really seems to like garbanzo beans – we actually sent me back to get more for him. We managed to roughly finish eating before he really started getting restless (and in this case, restless mainly means grabbing food and dropping it on the floor, repeatedly).

I remember what I forgot – very neat stuff!

That “one thing” I forgot that Tristan has started doing?

Humming a recognizable tune and using that to request a certain song to be either played or sung! Specifically “This Old Man,” although he’s not particular about the words. He probably got used to the tune because all of his Little People toys play it with different lyrics (in and out, stop and go, etc.).

One of those silly little things I got for him was the Discovery Kids MP3 player (you can probably get it for $49.99 if you look around; we got ours at Marshall’s for about that much). It comes preloaded with a lot of kid-oriented music and there’s room to still throw a couple of other songs on top of that. He now knows how to find “This Old Man” and/or request it over and over, and he can even carry it around with him.

So, yeah, if you were wondering when to get your kid a music player, I’d suggest 20 months. Of course, my suggestion is based on one child’s experience, so take that with a grain of salt. And we’re one of those families who gets our kid his own MP3 player, but we’re also one of those families that don’t give him our MP3 players, phones, or keys to play with. 🙂

Now, to get Tristan interested in some of our musical tastes.. muahaha!

Tristan’s preschool comes home; napping

On Monday, we started Tristan’s evaluation/ABA sessions. On Thursday (right now), I finally managed to get around to writing. So far I’ve spent five minutes writing and erasing everything. Not a good start so far!

Anyway, they are going fine. We’ve met all five of the therapists.

I have to interrupt this to mention that I can’t look at the word “therapist” without giggling.

Five ladies, all seeming to be in the mid 20s-early 30s age range. All of them seem nice and all of them are positive and caring with Tristan. Of course, since ABA relies on positive reinforcement, I’m glad to see positivity! A big bin of toys and materials for observation, play, testing, teaching is present in Tristan’s room, which has been designated as the therapy area since it’s about the only place he can be corralled.

I feel very bad for Tristan being stuck in this little bedroom of his for three hours a day of his awake time. He’s taking it well, though. I think. He’s been a bit tantrummy but also a bit sick – that level of having a cold that is just short of calling off work/school. Like many males (sexism!), Tristan likes his snuggles and not a whole lot of conflict when he’s not feeling well.

Tristan’s teachers/therapists come in very quickly, in rapid succession, one relieving the other in many cases. Food has to be sneaked in, because there’s actually no time for him to eat in many cases. He’s not supposed to be idly munching during the sessions – that’s a bit distracting. He hasn’t been taught to eat his meals quickly or with purpose and he might need to learn that out of necessity.

I sat in on the first two days of sessions and James sat in on the first session. The time went very quickly for me; I was watching someone else play in a directed manner with my baby. This is what I’ve wanted for so long – someone ELSE to focus on him, engage him. I’m one of those freaks who likes to see my baby bond with other people so long as he doesn’t decide to replace me or something, so I really enjoyed it when Tristan finally became comfortable enough with his new friends to let me leave the room without screaming. In general, we can sit in on/watch/even record with permission these sessions but it defeats the point if we participate more than requested to, so by Wednesday we were out of Tristan’s “work” area. Actually, we had a meeting with the supervisor of the program on Wednesday so the first day of our nonparticipation was required.

I had something rare happen yesterday during Tristan’s second session – I got housework done! Of course, he came bursting out of his room hungry while I was in the middle of said housework, making me go from idly cleaning stuff up to having to collect a few things frantically.

Tristan himself has been making progress. Since Monday, he has:
* shown that he can make the sign for the word “more” at least with regard to being tickled
* learned to roll toy cars back and forth
* been making more attempts to communicate his choices for desired foods
* been impressing everyone with how much eye contact he does make and how much of a cute little baby ninja he is
* not taking his damn naps! more on that later

(there’s one more thing I’m forgetting, but that is the liability of not writing immediately!)

We went out to Thamien Park yesterday afternoon at around 2:30pm – we’re getting to the point where I slip in park trips that technically cut into his nap time. The park was fairly dead since most normal babies are asleep at that time or something. One other family was there – two little boys, older one was 3 and younger one was 2. The 3 year old wandered around chasing Tristan and being chased by him – they both loved it! It was so sad when the grandma of the 3 year old called him off, but I went to make friends with them later. Turns out that the 2 year old, who spent some time next to Tristan in the swings, is also autistic. I learned this after I complimented the kids’ mom (pushing the 2 year old while 3 year old was off with grandma) because the 3 year old was so good with Tristan. Turns out he has had practice! The family had to leave around then, but I gave them contact information and hope to run into them again.

So.. naps. We’ve been having all of this nap trouble lately. We’ve been racking our brains to figure out What. The. Fuck,. Child? So far, we’ve come up with:
* he probably wakes up because his stomach hurts – when he farts he tends to calm down
* he may just be waking up from an excess of environmental noise
* he may also be waking up screaming because he needs less sleep, though he tends to wake up happy when he’s had enough sleep
* teething again? There are still a set of molars to go and we don’t even HAVE any Tylenol until they figure out that clusterfuck with the recalls

I should note that for the most part, he sleeps through the NIGHT with minimal interruptions. There are times when he wakes up screaming, but he can be calmed down quickly or will actually calm himself down quickly still. He does not calm himself down from the naptime screaming anymore. I don’t know if that’s because he’s in pain or because we taught him that screaming during your nap gets you comfort. He seems to be in true pain of some sort during the naptime awakenings until he lets out a huge fart and then relaxes enough to be held. He actually will push my hands off of him while he’s having the episode, and he wants to be touched any and every other time, ESPECIALLY when he’s just fussy.

We’ve been trying various things, such as:
* putting him down later/earlier for bedtime
* putting him down later for naptime – earlier is no longer an option as his schedule extends until 3
* making extra special sure he’s fed/beveraged enough to last through a nap
* attending to him quickly before he’s exceptionally worked up
* giving him time to settle back down before going to him
* giving appropriate medications to known situations: Tylenol (before recall), Mylicon, and now our new favorite, Benadryl —

WE ARE LUCKY! Our kid does NOT go all hyper and unable to sleep on Benadryl! We started giving it Monday night to help him with the symptoms of this cold. We figured that 20 months isn’t so far off from 24 and we know the proper dosages. Anyway, I believe we have Liquid Airplane Insurance on hand should that ever become an issue. We should discuss whether we should try a dosage prior to his nap today and see if he sleeps through it.

But he won’t go back to the nap after being soothed through these episodes anymore for me as of this week. He’s taking 1.5 hour naps instead of the solid 3 hours he used to take. I also think part of this is that he will need substitution for the exercise he’s missing while indoors for his sessions. I’m sure 20 months is also in the midst of a predictable sleep regression according to the toddler literature, so none of this should even be surprising to us. 🙂

Anyway, therapy is going well/fine/good/great etc. and his midday sleep could use some improvement.. in case you didn’t much get through all of that.