No Crib Shall Hold Him

Last night, Tristan figured out how to climb out of his crib, finally. Hilarity did not ensue. He’s not very stable when he does so, so we couldn’t quite just let him go for it (he tended to effectively dive out head first, and, if lucky, grab the post and swing – if not, head first drop).

So we converted the crib to a toddler bed. Turns out he wasn’t having any of that. So last night, we wound up spinning the crib so the higher back rail was in the front, and the now-open front was against the wall (so he wouldn’t climb out). He thankfully didn’t think to climb out the side (still low enough that he can).

Well, until this afternoon that is. He wouldn’t stay in with the open side out, and when Kirin spun it around again, he started climbing out of the crib. So, he just didn’t get a nap today. Still didn’t actually go down for his nightly sleep until 9:30 – but the interesting thing is, we just took out all of the most dangerous stuff, left some night lights on, left his door locked (with the toddler lock at the top) and let him roam as he would. After 15 minutes of climbing in and out of bed and running around his room, he finally climbed in, flopped over, and decided to go to sleep.

So now, for the first time, Tristan has chosen to sleep in his own bed, of his accord. Yay!

23 months

We’ve been very bad about recording the neat things Tristan’s been doing. Bad us!

* Tristan waves “Hi!” now. It’s still an emerging skill. He started it last week after some practice in the mirror and he’s done it at least once per day since. But YAY! Tristan’s waving!

* The alphabet obsession has been really fun. He still gets quite a kick out of phonics. Also, the label for letters and numbers seems to be changing again. Sometimes he still exclaims “H!” but this week it’s been “L” – which is quite an interesting sound considering his age and general vocalizing ability. Numbers seem to all be “8” lately. But he’s babbled such lovely letter combinations as “AOL” and “LOL” and probably “HELL.”

* Over this past week, Tristan’s been rather interested in and focused on his “educational” videos. He really finds the Baby Einstein puppet skits to be amusing and he really enjoys seeing the word demonstrations. But he actually wants to watch a few of the videos in a row now, and this sort of frees me up to.. do stuff around the house a little bit. Just a little bit. 🙂

* We’ve successfully restructured his sleep schedule so that his nap is only 2 hours long, but it’s likely that this will require further restructuring. He’s going down for a nap at 5pm and starting to protest even that.. but there’s not much further time in the day for a nap! Ideally, he’d be napping from 1-2pm or something, but that’s unlikely with a) the way he protests sleep unless he’s incapacitated and b) the quite booked therapy schedule that would require a lot of work to restructure. Anyway, it’s likely that we’ll need to schedule a lack of nap instead of an appropriate nap. Unless we build the nap out and then need to build one back in.. blah. 🙂

* I’m not sure how many words Tristan has, but he’s starting to imitate some words now! He’ll try to say the word “wave” and “oval” and countless others that he now recognizes. Language! Wheeee!

* We’ve switched to a large quantity of stroller rides for both transportation and time-killing. The sling isn’t the most practical mode of baby transport anymore, although it’s still both very useful and very snuggly. Thankfully, Tristan’s stroller behavior has improved to the point where I can even.. (whispers) leave.. the.. stroller.. still.. for JUST a moment (back in normal voice) without risking him trying to overturn the stroller.

* And we have a party to plan for someone’s second birthday, and his dad’s 30th!

End of an era!

Tristan pooped in the bath today. It was the very first time. I was hoping he’d make it to age 2 without pooping in the bath, but today was that day. It’s also really freaky when you see and smell poop, but you didn’t see it happen.. and you KNOW you may have looked away for three seconds.. And if he ate it, thankfully he was REALLY stealthy because I saw no evidence of such.

Also, we’re working on Nap Restructuring again. Tristan decided that he wasn’t taking a nap the day before yesterday. For a kid who normally takes a 3 hour nap, this is significantly odd. However, most of us are of the opinion that since he’s about 2 now, he can really use more sleep overnight and less sleep midday. Following his natural rhythm is not so easy anymore with his full schedule, so we have to artificially shape it a bit. We tried yesterday – I put him down an hour late for nap and we woke him up after 2.5 hours, meaning to put him down half an hour earlier, but we failed at the earlier part.

A, H, 8

We are learning letters and numbers! Tristan enjoys activities that involve such lately. He will stop to study with me if I stop to point out letters on a sign or otherwise in the environment. He can identify A by pointing to it and saying it. Now he’s pointing to B and saying A, so we have to keep drilling him on it. 🙂 But what’s really cute is that he distinctly can say A, H, and 8 but knows what they are at different levels. He knows A, but isn’t sure if other things are also A. He recognizes H but doesn’t know exactly what it is yet – he can say it, although not in association with the word “Hi” (he still says “aaaahhhh” or the like for “Hi”). Hopefully he recognizes 8 after today’s experience with the foamboard he was playing with at his school, but he doesn’t show that he recognizes certain numbers that often. I’m betting he does or at least gets the concept of quantity, especially since he understands “more.” But the most fun thing is that the kid is fascinated by the alphabet and he’s learning the song they sing in school – he’s added it to his humming repertoire and can chime in at the “a, a, a!” part.

Academics are a fun way to relate to a kid when the kid is interested. I’m so glad that he is now. He experiments with his environment and I want him to have the knowledge he needs to just do awesome things with it.

22 months-ish

I’ve started thinking of Tristan as a 2-year-old rather than a 1-year-old. I figure it’s a lot closer, and he looks it anyway.

So, Tristan has been making leaps and bounds with his development. There’s been enough improvement in his communication and imitation skills that it’s been noticeable to people who last saw him about a month before. He’s learning how to ask for more complex things but is still easily amused – yesterday we were sending one of his stuffed bears down a slide, and it kept him entertained for a good half hour. He’s recognizing a lot of his letters by sight and sound. He’s a considerably better problem solver. It’s easy to set up for joint attention if I am labeling the environment, the alphabet, or anything in between since he’s making enough sense of language that he finds it interesting (and is therefore LEARNING IT!). He’s gone from very little ability or inclination to imitate something like clapping hands to full success in some activities. He tries very hard to vocalize the word “Go” and has a toy that says “GOAL!” that he likes to hear over and over.

We’ve been keeping the weekends fairly action-packed, as we no longer have things like regular park time in our schedule. Tristan enjoys swimming activities but he also tries very hard to drink the pool water, so we have had to be creative — tubes work best for keeping baby bodies but not heads in the water. We go to the water park about twice a month – the last time was not a good visit because Tristan was cranky, and a cranky Tristan doing stuff he usually wants to do but doesn’t that moment is never any fun. We had a weekend playdate over here just this past weekend and I hope we get to have some more.. it was a gently social but rather fun way to entertain ourselves and some kids.

Sleep has been irritating during the day and wonderful during the night. Tristan’s not napping very consistently — he may sleep from 1-4 hours now, depending on when he wakes up screaming. And he tends to wake up screaming even after having had a good, long nap. At this point, an inconsolable waking screaming fit after naptime is part of the day and not just something I hope won’t happen this day. And he also stalls as much as humanly possible to avoid going down for an earlier nap. So, the net effect is that I’ve had lots of time not stimulating him but get hit by the high emotions of the nap. But either way, he’s had a regular wake and sleep time for the longer portion of sleep and hasn’t woken up screaming (more than “a” scream, anyway) for a very long time, and he still wakes up cheerfully in the morning. I am sure that he probably needs a slightly earlier nap. There’s not a whole lot of earlier to go anymore, though.

Tristan has been in the Shining Stars program for about a month. He seems to be doing pretty well, and he’s bringing home knowledge rather often. They switched classrooms midmonth and Tristan doesn’t like the new classroom very well, but he’s managing. He’s no longer the “new kid” in his time slot — always the hallmark of getting used to things. I’ve been using Tristan’s preschool time to do crazy things like bike around and explore the area. Fun for both of us!


* Tristan is doing well in his center-based program, aka preschool. He’s finally getting comfortable with the idea of mommy disappearing for two hours at a time. Mommy has, in turn, had her hair cut and her back massaged this week as a result.

* Tristan’s finally showing interest and aptitude for pointing at pictures in books or at objects for them to be named. He is interested in “orange” (fruit) and “ball” mostly, and can answer by pointing to the objects when you ask him where an orange or ball is. It’s hard to get him to perform this, but he has done it! Anyway, he’s learning words. He tries to say the words, as well. He’s shown that he notices two oranges on the page are the same by pointing to both of them. I really hope this continues because it finally gives me some rote academic work to go over with him.

* Tristan’s also been interested in the alphabet. He’s been pointing to letters for them to be named. He’s managed to say L, D, and O so far.. probably more!

* I can point in a direction and say “Go this way” and for the most part, Tristan will comply. He tries to be contrary at times, but I’m ok with that. As long as he is capable and does it most of the time. He is not interested in walking while holding my hand unless he needs help with steps, but he is very good about following the pattern of where people walk (like staying on the damn sidewalk, not running into too many roads, etc.). We should practice this indoors at times and see if it’s as reliable..

First day of preschool

Tristan started at the center-based Shining Stars program on Wednesday. He’s in a class with four other children with varying levels of ability. He’s the only one in the class under age 2, and I think each of the kids is of a different general ethnicity.

Now, Tristan is kind of quick to adapt after a good day of confusion about the routine. We’ll see if this happens tomorrow! I hear that kids do have a hard time at first. After all, we’re not really a family that spends time away from our child. I expect that he’s getting used to strangers who are women (one or two men, but even the doctors were mostly women) and he’s used to strangers who are children. The point of hemming and hawing here is that Tristan was extremely fussy and could be heard crying for a good portion of our observation. But he woke up at about 7:45am yesterday, and that’s nastily early even for him. He was also fussy through his therapy session at home, and he’s usually fairly cheerful for them unless he forgot to eat. I don’t remember any extreme fuss after his nap, so I suppose he caught up on his sleep.

The “curriculum” includes free play, a circle (kids in little chairs, “friend” attending to each child – 1:1 ratio, how’s that for preschool? :D) with singing, snuggle, greeting, and introductions for each child), some stuff in between that we did not see because we went out to lunch! Alone together! For the first time ever without having to beg someone to fly out here to watch out kid or arrange emergency care! *catches breath* When we got there at 20 minutes until the end of the hour, the .. OT supervisor? came out and asked us to please go away (she was more tactful :D) so that Tristan did not see us and think it was time to go. I suppose I should interject that the classroom observation is possible through one-way glass, so we were standing in the hallway watching and listening; the kids were outside in the play area when we arrived and there’s no sneaking past them. We killed a few minutes in the heat, trapped in a downtown parking lot (walking past the play area again; it’s in the front yard), and then sneaked inside the building when we heard no more little giggles from the play area. We got there in time to see.. more sitting in chairs and singing to de-greet each child! Tristan had two tambourines or similar in his hands; none of the other kids had any. Curious. Tristan was also having a bit of trouble remaining sitting in his chair, by which I mean he kept needing to be planted back into it.

It will be a busy day today followed by another class. I will very slowly keep updating.

Inside an ABA session, kind of

I’m sitting out in the living room, and this is what I hear/see: (I am not sure the therapist wants her name up on this site, so I shall just call her Therapist. Her name begins with “T” so initials won’t much help. 😛

Therapist: “More? More cars?”
Tristan: “ga ga ga, ga ga ga, ga ga ga ga ga GA”
*ambient noise of maracas and shaking stuff*
*random noises that sound like clicking*
Therapist: “Why don’t you finish chewing?”
Therapist: “You found the square! Scribble?”
(I don’t see anything over the baby monitor)
Tristan: *hums first three notes of This Old Man over and over*
Therapist: “Are you looking for matching? Do you want to do matching?”
*clicking sounds*
*chatting about Tristan still eating*
Therapist: “Let’s stand up!”
Therapist: “Squish into your pillow”
Therapist: “Ready? Row, row, row your boat..” *continues singing*
Therapist: *claps and praises Tristan*
*Tristan tries to open the door*
Therapist: “Good clapping!”

Therapist: “London Bridge is falling down..” *continues singing*
Therapist: *claps and praises Tristan*
*Tristan appears on the monitor and starts turning on his naptime music*
*Therapist removes him to refocus*
*Tristan sits on a blue chair, plays with his house toy, and distinctly says “a-ha”
*Tristan plays with the music on house toy while Therapist gathers things*
*Therapist joins Tristan at the house toy and starts talking about what he is doing*
*Tristan continues playing and Therapist begins setting materials onto his table*
*Tristan gets up and walks off the camera view*
*Tristan cackles and says “da” or “that”*
*Therapist physically arranges Tristan in front of table to play with the spinner, which is what she set on the table a moment ago*
*Therapist demonstrates and Tristan fiddles with some of the parts*
*Tristan attends to the clicking sound of the spinner and watches the spinning motion while Therapist attempts to get him to do it himself*
*Suddenly they’re playing a matching game and Tristan is just moving the stuff around*
Therapist: “Ready? Match!”
Tristan: “gaaaaaa!”