Adventures in climbing.

We took Tristan to Bounce-a-rama this morning ( He’s getting a little bit better about some of the items there – namely, in the toddlers-only bouncer, there is a slide which requires climbing up a hill with foot holds.   He’s mastered sliding down it backwards.  Not only that, in the spirit of sharing, he’s learned to slide down, and, rather than try to climb back up the slide, run back around to the part you climb on and more-or-less wait his turn to climb back up.

Additionally, we’re actually thinking about enrolling him in a toddler-pseudo-soccer thing, because one of his pasttimes lately has been kicking a ball around – he’ll run in circles about the living room & kitchen, effectively dribbling the ball.

As we have likely mentioned, he’s in a climbing phase now.  He climb up on the couch, or our bed (with the help of other items in the way) or anything else he can find that looks climbable (whether safe or not) Bonus awesome points though: around bedtime, he actually walked over his crib, and started trying to climb it.  We, in turn, put him in.  It’s been about five minutes, and we haven’t really heard a peep out of him – perhaps he has a new way to tell us he’s tired.