A new trick

Tristan learned to play peekaboo on his terms today.  I was holding a blanket over my face and playing with him, and he decided to tug the blanket when he wanted me to show his face.  He also tugged it up to indicate when it was time to put it back.  Peekaboo is such great fun!

Walking and chomping

Tristan’s walking is coming along quite nicely. He prefers to practice in his room, but can occasionally be seen busting out walking across the room. We have all of our “first walker” videos almost ready to post. His prior practice with the hands has probably paid off well, as he can turn around very neatly already. Ah, you’ll see if you check the videos.. 🙂

We’ve also made a lot of progress in the self-feeding department. We’ve still been serving meals in the high chair, and that in itself is a bit of stress if he’s not in the mood for it. However, we can now spread a bunch of Cheerios on the tray and a lot of them will make it into his mouth without any other help! And there was a little bit of cooked pasta in something I served him and he took it well, without making the “damnit, there are CHUNKS in here!” face. The sippy cup is hit and miss; sometimes he’ll drink from it and sometimes he flat refuses. However, for the most part he’s still good about eating enough and not drinking it all away.

And now he’s awake, so time to perform this process I was just describing.